On-site Medical Waste Disinfection Unit

The Disinfection Unit is a patented shred-to-disinfection device. Patented in the USA, Canada, and Western Europe.

  • Made in the USA.
  • Designed for on site installation.
  • VDU can be customized for multiple shred/disinfection applications.

Goal: Zero Waste to Landfill

Viradys Disinfection Unit

Waste Streams:

  • Regulated Medical Waste (RMW)
  • Single-Use/Hard to Recycle Plastics
  • Sharps and Vials

Traditional handling of RMW usually consists of transportation off site, then treatment and disposal, typically by way of steam autoclave

However, several companies elect to ship post Disinfection Unit inert material to specialized recycle companies.  Through an innovative process these sterilized materials are then further shredded, melted, extruded, and converted into various types of composite plastic lumber.

The ACES Disinfection Unit

  • Heated disinfection for Regulated Medical Waste including sharps, tubes and PPE.
  • Heated disinfection and shred cycle for Bio-Hazardous Red Bag Waste.
  • Heated disinfection cycle for Bio-Hazardous Liquid Waste in Bags.

Result: by shredding the waste, we achieve up to an 80% to 90% reduction in waste volume


Contact us today or call or email today for a live or virtual demonstration!